Walk MS, team MHvsMS ends on a high note
Each year team MHvsMS comes together to support the annual Walk MS: Walk to Create a World Free of MS, a community event dedicated to connecting people living with MS and those who care about them. The funds raised as part of Walk MS give hope to the more than 400,000 people living with MS in the United States.
Every hour in the U.S., someone is newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that interrupts the flow of information within the brain and between the brain and the body. Learn more about MS.
Through the generous support of MHM, MHvsMS recruits dedicated individuals to join the team and fundraise on behalf of the cause. The team held community bake sales, sold team t-shirts and held fundraising contests to foster participation and spark fundraising – all with the added incentive of MHM's pledge to match all team fundraising contributions. The culmination of these efforts took place on Saturday, March 2nd when the team stepped out at the AT&T Center and walked with thousands of fellow supporters.
In the end, MHvsMS recruited 75 team members and brought in $1,116 for the National MS Society. Combined with MHM's match, the amount brought in by the team totaled $2,232. These funds will help the local MS chapter provide resources to thousands of families touched by MS in Texas!
The National MS Society has been walking since 1988 and to date has raised more than $770 million to support life changing programs and cutting-edge research. There's no cure, but with the help of dedicated fundraisers, research is progressing at a remarkable rate. In 2010, the National MS Society invested more than $37 million to support 325 new and ongoing MS research projects. Learn more about MS Research.
MHM hopes to continue with the tradition started by the National MS Society and keep walking for those affected by MS with hopes of creating a world free of MS.