MHM Challengers prepare for 2015 walk to stop diabetes

Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. (MHM) is proud to be a Walk Sponsor for the American Diabetes Association's (ADA) 2015 Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes. The walk will take place Saturday, October 31 at Mission County Park Pavilion (6030 Padre Drive) in San Antonio.
"Last year, the MHM Challenger's collected over $3,000 to support those impacted by the disease and this year we hope to raise even more. The 2015 walk will mark the third consecutive year of MHM's sponsorship and team participation at the Step Out event. We're proud to help fight this crippling epidemic in our community, " shared Dominica Garza, communications manager at MHM and ADA supporter.
Millions of adults, including children, in our country have diabetes. Diabetes is a leading cause of health complications in Texas, including Bexar County. The MHM Challengers want to impact change—join us, and Step Out to STOP Diabetes.
Keep up with the MHM Challengers by visiting our team page.